Lin, Min Chih
Email Address:
Job: Prof. Asoc. Ded. Semi-Exc. Depto. Computación / Investigador Principal Conicet
Office: 2606 (
Research Areas:
Graphs, Algorithms and Optimization


Área de investigación | Research area
  • Algoritmos y Teoría de Grafos | Algorithms and Graph Theory
  • Optimización Combinatoria | Combinatorial Optimization
Trabajos publicados | Published papers
  • trabajos incluidos en DBLP Computer science bibliography
  • trabajos no incluidos en DBLP:

 Durán G. and Lin M., "On some subclasses of circular-arc graphs",  Congressus Numerantium 146 (2000), 201-212.


 Ambrosis N., Martin Aispuro P., Belhart K., Bottero D., Crisp R. L.,Dansey M. V., Gabrielli M., Filevich O., Genoud V., Giordano A., Lin M., Lodeiro A., Marceca F., Pregi N., Lenicov F. R., Rocha-Viegas L., Rudi E., Solovey F., Zurita E., Pecci A., Etchenique R. and Hozbor D, "Active Surveillance of Asymptomatic, Presymptomatic, and Oligosymptomatic SARS-CoV-2-Infected Individuals in Communities Inhabiting Closed or Semi-closed Institution", Frontiers in Medicine 8 (2021) 48-56.


 Lin M., Oliveira ,F., Pinto P., Sampaio M. and Szwarcfiter J., "Restricted Hamming-Huffman Trees". RAIRO - Operations Research 56 (2022) 1823-1839. 
